ديكور لا يوصف - ديكور المنازل والفيلات
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  2. معهد توب ماكس تكنولوجي | أعلى قمة للتكنولوجيا الحديثة في الشرق الأوسط - صرح علمي متميز
  3. طريقة تسجيل عضوية في معهد توب ماكس تكنولوجي بشكل سريع
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المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. مشاركات: 1
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  2. مشاركات: 0
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النتائج 1 إلى 2 من 2

الموضوع: ديكور لا يوصف

  1. #1
    الادارة الصورة الرمزية شهود
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    اليمن السعيد
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي ديكور لا يوصف

  2. #2
    الادارة الصورة الرمزية شهود
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    اليمن السعيد
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: ديكور لا يوصف

    Make sure you have done enough research on home design
    The first step to designing a home is to understand what exactly you are looking for and the direction you would like to move forward. For this, one must take a look at the many existing models available in the market today and what features you like best among them. This is a matter of purely individual choice and by doing your homework on home design you understand what you are exactly going to get.
    Create your own blueprint and check its feasibility with an expert
    Design your own blueprint for the home and if you are architectural engineer, then check the technical feasibility and the intricacies with the expert that will put the “pieces” together. You don’t have to own a construction degree to sketch up your own blueprint. Good observation and decent creativity are more than sufficient to get the job done.
    Make a cost estimate and keep your budget in mind
    The design that you often end up with is largely governed by the budget that we have allotted for the construction of the home. Make sure you get all the estimates right and also ensure that the total cost is just a tad bit below the budget. This way you can accommodate any unforeseen expenditure as well. There are very few in this world that can afford the luxury of building a home with no budget ceiling. So keeping a tab on the cash is very vital.
    Maximize space and plan for future expansions
    The aim of every blueprint that you pencil down must be to maximize the available space to the hilt, create an ambient and practical living atmosphere and to allow for any planned future expansions. There might be occasions when you build the basic portion of the home and wish to expand on few lavish excesses when you have further time and cash on hand. Your basic home design must contain room for all these expansions.
    Home design plan must suit your interior decorating needs
    Remember that whatever you are going to do in future, you will have to work within that walls of the home that you build today. Depending on your choice and needs, your design must allot space and location of rooms. In some cases people prefer a larger than usual living room, while others might prefer a more even use of space. Have a vision for what you will do with the interiors even before you build them.
    Let lighting and heating needs take prominence
    Your home design must keep in mind the effects of natural sun light and heat. The direction and the home’s windows, define these factors. Make sure that the home is always well-lit by natural lights during daytime. Also, keep in mind that the use of skylights is a popular option that is catching on these days.
    Home design is a culmination of technical and aesthetic aspects. The right balance between both of them is a must, and can only be achieved when your personal tastes are integrated with comfortable and practical design



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